Interconnected systems as basis for smoother collaboration

Using different systems in an interconnected way is a rising trend, as it allows collaboration and information to flow smoother. In best cases, interconnected systems are specifically designed in a way that your can choose entities from a distributor’s collection of solutions. You can choose to start using them straight away or later on after you’ve gotten familiar with the basics.

Let’s think about Alice for a second here. Alice works as an accountant at an accounting firm. One day she gets sick and is absent from work for two weeks. Oh dear, what about all her customer work? What about all the work requests in Alice’s email and the receipts delivered by her customers? This might sound familiar to you, or perhaps you’ve wondered what you’d do if this scenario happened.

If you had Koho PSA’s whole palette of solutions in use, you wouldn’t have to stress at all. Interconnected systems in Koho PSA means easy collaboration and secure information sharing with the help of the Portal and ticketing features. You can transfer data to another accountant’s work list and there’s no need to dig around someone’s personal inbox. Or WhatsApp, for that matter.

When an employee gets sick, substituting is easy in Koho PSA: all the tasks and material are transferred automatically to a selected employee. Managing processes through a centralized system aims to automate and improve the efficiency of company functions.

Create an interconnected system with the help of the collaboration portal and ticketing

By using Koho PSA, you’ll have comprehensive control over your work, all the way from work time entries to complete invoicing material and reporting. As you centralize different functions within one system, managing the bigger picture gets easier and more efficient.

Interconnected systems

Our ambition at Koho PSA is to ease and boost the everyday life of accounting firms and create a working environment that enables your company to serve its customers better. Koho PSA’s special feature is the ability to have the Portal and ticketing features added to the mix, creating a complete and seamless interconnected system that makes processes more straightforward.

Receive files and converse with the Portal

In the Portal you can transfer files and discuss with your customer. By combining the collaboration portal with Koho PSA, you’ll save time and reduce labor risk. Functions are more secure and you can find everything within one easy interface, instead of browsing through all the received emails in your inbox. You can target the received material straight away for the right month and have information archived securely.

An absolute benefit of the Portal is also the ease of work tracking: as the Portal is a seamless part of Koho PSA, all the files are shown in work orders and you can internally search for files from years before. You can also easily limit who can see specific information.

A few examples of how you can use the collaboration portal:

  • Customer sends financial material to your accounting firm and vice versa, securely.
  • Targeting material for a specific period and work order.
  • Messaging between your accounting firm and customer, which will also be saved and to which you can come back to.
  • Connect ticketing to the Portal and manage tickets easily.

Improve customer service with ticketing

Ticketing is the most efficient solution for communicating with your customers. When a company is even a bit larger, it is beneficial to centralize customer communication. Your customers assume, that whoever receives their message knows what they’re talking about. With ticketing you can quickly check all the previous tickets the customer has sent about a subject. This is a major benefit, especially when you’re filling in for a person who has been in contact with the customer.

You can also share tickets to other employees, if an employee has no time to process it or is off work. Customer messages will not be left in a limbo in absent employees’ email inboxes and other employees can help them as soon as possible. This way you’ll be able to offer better and more consistent service to your customers.

With ticketing, you will not miss any messages, which happens often when using a chat. Ticketing transfers customer communication from different employees’ WhatsApp/email/etc. into one, centralized place, where all your team members or other specified people can see the messages. With ticketing, you’ll also eliminate the challenges related to the troublesome combination of emails and GDPR.

Ticketing helps to prioritize important tasks. When using merely email, you easily start answering and solving issues in the order they’ve landed in your inbox. This often leads to messages sinking and left forgotten. With reporting you can track how well employees stay on schedule, how much time it takes to deal with a ticket, and if tickets are late. You’ll also be able to clock and invoice the time spent on a ticket.

Would you be interested in finding out more about interconnected systems and collaboration? Book a demo with Teemu!

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