Managing Recurring Tasks at Your Accounting Firm is Efficient with Work Orders

Accounting firms need to juggle multiple recurring tasks and larger work entities for their customers – ensuring they are completed on time and in the correct order can be a challenge. In Koho PSA, managing your company’s recurring tasks is done with ‘work orders.’

Work orders automate your to-do lists

With work orders, all the recurring (daily/monthly/yearly, etc.) work and related tasks to be completed for your customers are automatically added to employees’ to-do lists. The most urgent task always appears at the top of the list. Employees can track the progress of a work order by completing the sub-tasks included in it and attach product lines for invoicing. By using Koho PSA’s work orders, you can easily keep track of work progress and ensure that all work is completed and invoiced accurately.

Recurring accounting task management

The primary benefit of Koho PSA’s work orders is that they create directly billable work time entries. In addition, you can effortlessly track the progress and completion of customer work and smaller tasks related to it as everything is in one place. The time entries made for the tasks can be put directly on an invoice when the work is ready to be partly or completely invoiced.

As all work-related documentation – including all the material your customer has sent you – is stored in one place, your processes become more streamlined, and you spend less time on manual work.

Special features for recurring accounting task management

Koho PSA’s work orders have several features for managing recurring accounting and payroll tasks. One of these is the selection panel, which allows employees to manage their task lists easily. They can just tick a box on a certain task to be done for a customer, and it will appear on their personal to-do list.

Additionally, the tasks do not just disappear after a year or as the accounting period changes. As the tasks are not tied to your annual clock, they are repeated on the work list as long as you don’t make any changes. Clocking the work is easy; your employee can start the timer straight from the to-do list, and when done, just hit ‘end’ or continue to another task.

Invoicing work is effortless

In addition all the features mentioned above, Koho PSA offers many other functionalities that help you to administer recurring accounting and payroll tasks. One of those concerns contract invoicing. Nowadays, most accounting firms charge on a fixed, monthly basis, which includes a certain number of hours. Koho PSA has a special function for when the actual amount of work exceeds the hours specified in the contract. If that happens, Koho PSA tracks it and starts creating invoicing material for the excess according to your predefined rules, completely automating invoicing.

The automatic cross-invoicing function is also an intriguing feature for bigger accounting firms. This benefits companies that have multiple operational units, as you don’t have to move invoices around or invoice internally. For example, if your branch in Helsingborg does work for a customer who’s assigned to your Stockholm branch, the work registers on only one invoice – automatically.

Read more about invoicing in Koho PSA.

The workload calendar eases personnel resourcing for customer tasks and new clients

The workload calendar in Koho PSA shows how much work your employees and teams have at the moment and in the future. This helps you easily check which employee is available for new clients or if another member of their team should help alleviate their workload. After all, work orders allow you to easily delegate tasks and work entities. If needed, the workload calendar also allows you to dig into why tasks are taking more time than planned. You can easily find out if a customer’s pricing model matches the actual workload.

Benefits of managing recurring accounting tasks with work orders for management and users

Benefits of work orders for management:

  • Alleviates the tracking of done, unfinished, and completed work
  • Clear process helps tackle tasks
  • Minimizes labor risk
  • Efficient and easy-to-understand reporting
  • Easier personnel and work resourcing
  • Erase memory-dependent work
  • Boost work time planning and budgeting

Benefits of work orders for user:

  • Your personal to-do list
  • No more forgotten schedules or billables
  • No need to rely on memory alone
  • Easier work sharing and covering for absent colleagues

If you’re interested in learning more about work orders and how they help manage recurring tasks at your accounting firm, let’s have a chat!

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