Why choose software from Finland

Finland is the land of many great software companies: Linux, Nokia, Supercell, to name just a few. Finnish software is result of an uncompromised and reliable engineering. In the European Union, Finland is the most advanced country in the utilization of digitalization. So why else should you use Finnish software?

Koodia Suomesta – Code from Finland

1. Location of the data

It actually matters where the data is located physically, as in where the servers are located.

Finland is a safe country. Geologically Finland has a solid bedrock, no earthquakes or other major natural disasters. This means that there’s little to none that’d shake the stability physically or stop electricity generation. Thus, your stored data is less likely to face a destructive force majeure.

2. Politically stable country

Finland is also a strong and politically stable republic. A welfare state, where the society and infrastructure is well made and working. In addition, in Finland political decisions cannot change unexpectedly regarding digital information.

3. Data protection and privacy issues

Data privacy is a law that secures persons rights concerning the handling of one’s personal information. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) made data protection an essential part of all companies’ everyday life. Whether your company is newly established or has been operating in the market for years, the regulation applies.

In Finland, companies take data protection very seriously – as should you. The European data protection law keeps your data much safer than elsewhere in the world. Read more: https://gdpr.eu/what-is-gdpr/

4. Data security

Data security is the process of safeguarding digital information throughout its entire life cycle. It protects the data from corruption, theft, or unauthorized access. Data security covers hardware, software, storage devices, and user devices. In addition, it covers access and administrative controls.

Some well known threats to data security are eg. different kinds of scams and viruses etc. Other threats to be aware of are leaks of secret data, data changes and data copying, and so on.

In Finland, data security is in good level and so is your business’ security.

The Code from Finland logo helps you to recognize software from Finland.

The Code from Finland symbol helps you identify software products and services developed in Finland. At Koho PSA, we are happy to use this sign to show that we are a Finnish company.

Choose Finnish, choose Koho PSA.

What is Koho PSA? In short, it’s a Finnish professional service automation software for accounting firms (alright, it wasn’t that short).

In essence, Koho PSA is a versatile software that’ll help your accounting firm to succeed.

Would you like to have a better look?
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Book a free demo, no strings attached, and let Koho PSA convince you. You can save up to 87 % in invoicing with Koho PSA. The demo will give you a better view on how Koho PSA will help your accounting company succeed.