Hassle-free recurring task management

Accounting firms need to manage a lot of recurring tasks and entities. In Koho PSA, recurring task management is made easy with work orders.

Manage recurring tasks with work orders

Recurring tasks are managed with work orders in Koho PSA. Work orders consist of customer work entities, that contain several tasks that are repeated on specific intervals.

Work orders enable many different functionalities, such as task delegation, substituting work entities or tasks, team-level work orders, and user-created actions or work orders. With the help of work orders, you can manage and control work resources available to you effectively.

The main advantage of Koho PSA’s work orders, and the resulting work and task lists, is that they are also directly billable work-time entries that include progress and/or completion tracking. This way you can ensure that all the tasks in your company are done and invoiced on time.

Work lists are to-do lists for recurring work entities

Recurring task list

Create tickets or work lists visible for all employees, from which employees can retrieve unfinished work for themselves. You can also create user-specific work lists. These to-do lists automatically generate tasks from different recurring work entities of specific customers. You can set task recurrence according to many different rules, for example date, week, day of the week, month, quarter, or year.

Work lists created for users clarifies their work process. You can record hours straight in the work order, simultaneously marking the progress. The corresponding entries can be transferred directly to an invoice when the work is ready for partial or final invoicing. The most urgent work goes automatically on top of the list. Of course, task prioritizing is not forced and you can complete the tasks in any order you see fit.

When work and its progress is recorded in only one place, the process becomes more efficient and more time is saved for actual work.

Optimize planning and budgeting of customer work

Work order report shows the status of work performed (completed and unfinished work), the amount of hours allocated to work orders, and whether the hours in question have been invoiced. You can also see the workload status easily.

You can budget customer-specific target times for work orders (i.e. the timeframe your customer’s work should be completed). Once goals/budgets are set, work order reports show customer-specific work time budgets as well as actual hours worked. This makes it easy to monitor whether a customer is causing more workload than planned. User-specific workload reporting can also be derived from work orders’ customer-specific goals.

The reports help you to easily compare how working hours (achievements and targets) vary from month to month.

Budgets and targets can be set either on the entire work order level, or separately for each task to be monitored within the work order.

Recurring task management


Benefits of work orders
for company management:

Keep track of work that is completed, uncompleted or done

All work gets done and invoiced

Reduce labour risk

Efficient and easy-to-read reporting

Work and employee resourcing made easier

Optimize work-time planning and budgeting


Benefits of work orders
for users:

Personal to-do list

All recurring tasks are organized in one place

No need to memorize the work that needs to be done

No need to memorize in which order the work should be done

Sharing work or filling in for a colleague is easier

More efficient work process

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