Versatile tool to increase your accounting firm’s profitability
Who is Koho PSA meant for?
Koho PSA is a convenient cloud-based time tracking, task management, resource planning and invoice automation service, made with accounting firms’ needs in mind. Our software has gained trust from both large and small organizations in the financial industry.
Koho PSA is constantly evolving and as a boutique agile developer, we can customize the software to fit your needs dynamically. We regularly add new features thanks to our customer’s valuable feedback and needs. You can easily reach our representatives and they are eager to help, even with custom solutions.
Let our experts help you to understand the benefits of Koho PSA better and give you an overlook of the software!
Wondering why our customers have chosen Koho PSA over other options? Download this free PDF and find out!
Deploying Koho PSA is a breeze
As the software alone is not the solution, the deployment process is crucial. In order to improve your company’s efficiency, it is more than beneficial for you to understand how to get the best out of it. With the experience of deploying Koho PSA to thousands of users, we have learned the most efficient ways to assist our new customers in the process.
Our team of experts will guide you through the six deployment steps and build an environment, where you can operate most effortlessly.
Koho PSA is a trusted partner of Finago and Taloushallintoliitto
Throughout our history, we have worked with some of the largest accounting organisations in Finland. Thanks to our ability to customize Koho PSA, we can make the software fit our customer’s needs. Both Finago and Taloushallintoliitto sell and distribute the service created by Koho PSA.
In co-operation with Finago, Koho PSA has developed an easy to use white-label ERP system for accounting firms. Procountor accounting firms use our Procountor ERP system, and it keeps track of the most important workflows and tasks.
Together with Taloushallintoliitto (Association of Finnish Accounting Firms), we have developed a cloud-based service for accounting firms used in contract management and to generate TAL 2018 contract documents. The software allows accounting firms to create framework contracts. It is free of charge for all member companies of the association.

Would you like to have a better look?
Request a free demo!
Book a free demo, no strings attached, and let Koho PSA convince you. You can save up to 87 % in invoicing with Koho PSA. The demo will give you a better view on how Koho PSA will help your accounting company succeed.